Education is the to success
Education is the to success

Mathematics Workulum Way

Not sure where to start?

Not sure where to move after completing math booklet?

Workulum Math drill booklets are designed by our educational experts to help children get comfortable with the language of math. Our experts have spent years teaching in elementary, middle and high schools as well as at some of the most prestigious world universities.

Rather than following school curriculum blindly, Workulum math program focuses on building foundations for understanding and applying math language. Below you will find the recommended order of Workulum booklets for elementary and early secondary school students.

If you are not sure where to start, we recommend you to begin with the tests included in each booklet. Make sure your child can correctly complete at least 80% of the test questions before advancing to the next level.

Initial steps: Addition and Subtraction

( Kindergarten, Grade 1 )

Numbers up to 5 Numbers up to 10 Numbers up to 20

Initial steps: Multiplication and Division

( Kindergarten, Grade 1 - Grade 4 )

Order of operations

( Kindergarten, Grade 1 - Grade 4 )

    Expressions with numbers up to 10 { Booklet }
    Expressions with numbers -10 to 10 { Booklet }

Introduction to Algebra: Variables

( Kindergarten, Grade 1 - Grade 4 )

    Variables: Introduction, Numbers up to 10 { Booklet }
    Single variable, ax+b Numbers up to 10 { Booklet }
    Single variable, ax+b Numbers -10 to 10 { Booklet }
    Two variables, ax+by, Numbers up to 10 { Booklet }
    Solving Algebraic Expressions, Numbers up to 10 { Booklet }
    Solving Algebraic Expressions, ax+b Numbers up to 10 { Booklet }
    Solving Algebraic Expressions, ax+b Numbers -10 to 10 { Booklet }
    Solving Algebraic Expressions, ax+by, Numbers up to 10 { Booklet }

Introduction to Exponents

( Grade 3 - Grade 4 )

    Exponentiation with Small Positive Integers, Numbers up to 10 { Booklet }

Addition and Subtraction II

( Kindergarten, Grade 1 - Grade 3 )

Large Numbers

Addition and Subtraction III (with carrying)

( Grade 1 - Grade 3 )

Multiplication and Division II (negative numbers)

( Grade 3 - Grade 6 )

Multiplication and Division III (long)

( Grade 3 - Grade 6 )

Order of operations II

( Grade 3 - Grade 6 )

    Expressions with numbers up to 100 { Booklet }
    Expressions with numbers -20 to 20 { Booklet }
    Expressions with numbers -100 to 100 { Booklet }

Exponents II

( Grade 4 - Grade 5 )

    Exponentiation with Small Integers, Numbers -10 to 10 { Booklet }

Linear Algebra

( Grade 3 - Grade 6 )

    Three variables, ax+by+cz+d, Numbers up to 10 { Booklet }
    Two variables, ax+by+c, Numbers -10 to 10 { Booklet }
    Three variables, ax+by+cz+d, Numbers -10 to 10 { Booklet }

Linear Algebra II

( Grade 3 - Grade 8 )

    Solving Algebraic Expressions, ax+by+cz+d, Numbers up to 10 { Booklet }
    Solving Algebraic Expressions, ax+by+c, Numbers -10 to 10 { Booklet }
    Solving Algebraic Expressions, ax+by+cz+d, Numbers -10 to 10 { Booklet }

Multiplication and Division IV (decimal numbers)

( Grade 4 - Grade 6 )

– Are you tired of taking your child to additional math classes?
– Are you spending hundreds of dollars on math tutors?
– Do you feel frustrated having 30 students with 30 different mathematical skill levels in your class?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then workulum might be what you need.
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