Education is the to success
Education is the to success

About Workulum

What we're all about? Why did we make this for you?

This project took years in making


Why Workulum?

– Are you tired of taking your child to additional math classes?
– Are you spending hundreds of dollars on math tutors?
– Do you feel frustrated having 30 students with 30 different mathematical skill levels in your class?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then Workulum might be what you need.

Workulum offers a collection of booklets based on comprehensive sets of math skills. Booklets are organized to take students from very basic to advanced levels, but at the same time allow flexibility for each child to choose their own staring point. Each booklet is designed to give each student needed practice to improve their math skills. There is a number of tests at the end of each booklet to help a teacher or a parent diagnose the level of child’s competency. We have also included an optional “Challenge” section for students who want to go beyond the regular material and take a peak into what’s ahead of them. Upon a successful completion of each booklet, a student is rewarded with a certificate of completion. A child should then be encouraged to attept the next level. This allows a teacher to provide each student with a personalized work at their individual pace and level. Each booklet may be printed, downloaded or saved and used at home or classroom.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help world getting better education. We provide number of booklets that can be used either to supplement traditional learning or for self learning. As opposed to a number of on-line resources that give digital content that is used on digital devices such as computer screens, mobile phones or tablets, we provide booklets and worksheets that can be printed and used as traditional books. Most of our booklets also contain solutions to the problems, tests and certificates of achievements awarded upon completion of the tests.


Some of the founders of this web site are parents with kids in kindergartens, elementary and high schools. We noticed luck of practice for certain elementary skills such as:

  • Training in proper handwriting: Many parents find themselves in situation where their children are missing basics of handwriting. A few decades ago almost all schools worldwide taught how to write uniformly and neatly in print and cursive. This essential skill was taught as early as in kindergarten or early grades of elementary school. Fast forward to today, and it becomes hard to find a school that teaches grade one children cursive. Even uniformly printing letters became stressful for younglings. Handwriting is a skill that people practised for more than a thousand years. Why to stop now?
  • Essential math: Some incorrectly say that math is stressful. For founders of this site math is the most beautiful of all the subjects. It is the essence that sits behind any activity. To see the beauty of math one must master the basics. These days to help students to struggle with math, teacher use manipulatives, music, video games and other 'strategies'. It seems that such approach fails: the students become more confused and see elementary math as something very complex. Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing are skills that in traditional schools were taught in the first four grades and routinely practised on everyday basis.

How to help kids adapt basic knowledge

An old saying goes "Practice is mother of all skills". We specially designed worksheets to help students do necessary drills and improve skills. Repetition creates security and instinct. Certain things should be practised until they become routine, such as writing letters or multiplying single digit numbers.

Workulum saves the day

Workulum offers variety of educational material. We built this project from the ground up, basing it on these values:

  • First, we want to help students learn basics. We offer number of worksheets that teach elementary math and other subjects. The worksheets are grouped by categories and levels of difficulty.
  • Second, for parents and educators we want to provide a simple to use platform that contains problem sets that are matching wide range of subjects and teaching levels. The material can be printed and used as a traditional resource.
  • Third, we want to build a home for all of your worksheets. We want to make it easy to access Workulum material from anywhere in the world. This system must be simple and reliable.
  • And finally, the entire experience is presented on a platform created with open source technologies and following the latest tech trends. To benefit the community, a system should constantly change and evolve.

We try our best to keep adding new material given limited resources our team has available. If you'd like to help, please consider pitching in here.

If you have any suggestions you'd like to share with us, we'd be more than happy to hear them. You can write to us at: FindAndRate, PO Box 409207, Chicago, IL, 60640, USA

Our Future

Our children are our future. It's essential to give them the best education.

– Are you tired of taking your child to additional math classes?
– Are you spending hundreds of dollars on math tutors?
– Do you feel frustrated having 30 students with 30 different mathematical skill levels in your class?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then workulum might be what you need.
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Browse our material to find what you need. We offer various booklets, worksheets and other documents to help you enhance your knowledge. Increase your mental capacity by doing Workulum exercises.

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